Bill Hunton Photography

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Mongrel Arts

I seem to always catch the late train. I'll hatch some novel idea rolling around in my head like marbles in a jar and congratulate myself on being so clever. Then I find out that what I came up with has a name. Not only does it have a name, it is a movement with a following. Maybe if I wasn't such a ADH-Dilettante I would read more deeply and widely and learn about things before patting myself on the back. I am referring to hybrid arts.

The mundane definition is the merging of science, technology and creative expression to derive new art forms. A lowbrow example of the mundane definition is, let's say, an image of a duck's head on a horse's body galloping in a pasture. Artists as quacks comes to mind as a cheaper pun.

Actually hybrid art is a much deeper study than learning how to use Layers and Masks in Photoshop, or going to tattoo school.

There is actually real research, you know, with grants and studies, and peer reviewed papers on the subject, and degrees being granted to very smart people, as well as certificates of accomplishment to us amateur practitioners dabbling in it, and licenses to tattoo artists. Don't take the inclusion of tattoos as a joke. There is a branch of hybrid art called body manipulation that involves all sorts of alterations of the human body.

About fifteen years ago, I read something about DNA music. It's a serious thing. Almost everyone now understands that DNA is made of four basic amino acids linked by chains. Being something of a musician, I went out to the site in the article and listened to some of it. It reminded me somewhat of Fa-Sol-La Sacred Harp worship music sung in remote Southern mountain areas. A full 12 tone scale can be represented by four shapes. Anyway, I think it is an example of the kind of research being done and the results. As Solomon said over 3,000 years ago, "There is nothing new under the sun." Click on the links highlighted to hear examples of Sacred Harp and DNA music such as DNA Suite by Dr. David Deamer and Riley McLaughlin. String Theory is another area of science that can be translated musically.

Said all that to say that convergence of science, technology, and art of all forms is only natural. Hybrid art simply opens up areas of experimentation. AI will not eat your lunch. Mongrel arts like mine, forcing Photoshop to torture my photographs is just the tip of it.

Enjoy my very, very superficial examples. Once upon a time there were birds on the beach.